Friday, 10 February 2012

Audio Re-dub is Go!

In school pretty early for a Friday to record the overdub. Just set up all the gear (Tascam Audio Recorder, Tripod, Headphones, Vegas etc) and we're just going to get started!

Bring on the next 3 hours!


Monday, 6 February 2012

Final Push


The final deadline is quickly aproaching and by this Friday all final coursework must be handed in. The main thing we need to do is to re-record the audio. We we're meant to be recording all of Violet's lines today, however she has had to go to the doctors so we're going to have to try find some other time this week, before Friday.

We also need to finish improving the review as this is where we scored weakest in our drafting process.

Six String Studios


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Audience Feedback


Well we got our Audience Feedback and generally we're pretty happy with the results. Each of the questions were scored out of 5, with 1 being low and 5 being high. Here are the average results!

The Film

1. Did you enjoy the film?  (avg. 4)
2. What was your opinion on the pace of the film? (avg. 4)
3.  Did you think the narrative was clear? (avg. 3)
4. Comment on the complexity of the film. (avg. 4)
The Poster

1. Did you like the poster? (avg. 5)

The Review

1. Did you like the review? (avg. 4)

So all in all the audience feedback was hugely possitive. The main issues flagged were the distorted audio, and the unclear naritive.

The audio issues will be fixed by this time next week, when we have re-recorded the vocal track, getting rid of all background noise.

We understand that some people found the narritive unclear, however I do think to an extent, once the audience can hear what the characters are actually saying this will improve. We also dont want to make the narritive too simple as to not be patronising to our target audience. We will report back after the vocal track has been recorded and will let you know whether in our opinion the narritive has become clearer.

Heres to good feedback!

Six String Studios